Friday, September 3, 2010


Normal. A word so often used yet its meaning is so unclear. I am told that normal means “Conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.” Does this mean I am normal? If a person is predictable does that mean they're normal? I could say, “Max, you seem normal to me,” but the question is whether or not Max is really normal. I could be talking about how currently Max is not acting any stranger than he normally does, or I could be stating Max, according to my standard of normal, is a very boring individual. Who knows what normal is then. Everyone's perspective is different so really there is no normal. This blog is definitely not normal and I am glad. We minions take pride in being original. I am going to suggest to you readers that if your goal in life is to be normal then you should stop pursuing this unrealistic goal and instead do something useful like finding a more efficient way to... blow your nose... See? Not normal...

1 comment:

  1. Wow guys, this is a pretty great blog. This is a very intriguing subject.
