Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The existence of the Unicorn

When given the question: Do you believe in Unicorns? over 99.76% of people said that they didn't. Why is it that hardly anyone believes in unicorns anymore? Is it because we simply can't 'see' them ever? This is absolutely ridiculous! Most people will believe that there are donuts and the nearest donut shop, without even going there. So why is it that people will believe that the donuts exist, but not unicorns? Let us take a closer look.

How do people know that donuts exist? First, donuts are doughy. Secondly, people are able to stuff their faces full of them. Given these two facts, of course unicorns don't exist. Unicorns aren't doughy, and people can't stuff their faces full of unicorns (they are simply too large). However, these are not valid points. There are many things which aren't doughy and people can't stuff their faces full of them. Such things are trucks, elephants, or even a sandbox, but those things do exist.

So how can we know they exist? Well in 1987, Julius Greggory found the first unicorn in existence. However, many years before this, people thought unicorns were "imaginary" or "not real". Little did they know that they did exist, they just weren't looking in the right place. But where did he find one? The answer is more than blatantly obvious. He found it directly behind his back. Yes, he found it behind his back. How could it be in such an obvious place? Wouldn't other people be able to see it as well? The answer is no. Only Julius was able to see it, since it was behind his back, and not someone else's, and he believed that it would be there. In fact, everyone has a unicorn behind them, its just that you can't see it. The reasoning behind this, is that you simply don't believe it will be there.

If I told you that there was a Tyrannosaurus Alligator behind you, ready to eat you, you wouldn't believe a word I was saying. However, if you actually believed hard enough, you would be able to see it. Which isn't always a good thing, since if you could see it, it would bite your head off.

Since Julius Greggory is the only man capable of imagining such things behind his back, he is the only person who will ever be able to see the unicorn. This is a very, very sad fact, since he wasn't able to prove that unicorns existed to anyone, because no one else was able to see it.

Thus proves, and disproves, that unicorns actually do exist. We may not think they do, simply because we can't see them, but Julius Greggory can, or at least he could. 

So just remember, there is always something imaginary behind your back. You just can't see it because your imagination is not great enough.

"I have forgotten that men cannot see Unicorns, if men no longer know what they're looking at." - a quote from the movie, the last unicorn.


  1. This may be the first surprisingly profound post. Well done, men. I'm actually curious who puts most of these together (I'd like to believe that my direct relations have better grammar, but...)

    --Always, I wanna be with you, and make believe with you, and live in harmony, harmony, oh looove!!!

  2. Haha, I agree, that was (in a way) kinda profound...

  3. It is very interesting how you people can take strange things and make very funny posts about them. Is the movie, "the last unicorn" actually a movie?

  4. Why yes Lucien, "the last unicorn" is actually a movie.
