Saturday, July 30, 2011

Lesson Learned

It was a dark and stormy night. Tommy was home alone; his parents were out to dinner. He decided to watch TV for a while, since his parents usually only let him watch it for about 30 minutes each day.

There was a loud BOOM! and the power went out. Tommy was all alone in the dark. Tommy wasn't scared. Besides, nothing ever bad happens at his house.

Just then, he heard a strange screeching noise coming from the basement.

'Must be the furnace' Tommy thought.

Tommy knew it wasn't the furnace; they didn't even have one. He pretended to act brave, but ran upstairs nonetheless.

He sat in his bed, playing his Gameboy, so he wouldn't have to sit in the dark.

Lightning flashed. Tommy caught a glance of a shadow through the crack of his door, that appeared to be a man walking down the hall.

Tommy tensed up, and hid under his blankets.

Then, he realized. Hiding under some blankets isn't going to protect you from anything, unless it's not even real. Some how, Tommy knew that the shadow walking away was real.

He reached over to his night stand, and grabbed a pocket knife; the only weapon he had near him. He got out of bed, and slowly walked over to the door.

Just as he was about to open it, he heard a loud creak from the opposite side of the hall. His hand froze on the doorknob. He wasn't sure what to do next.

Lightning flashed again. A scream rang out from the main floor. Just then his dad came out from his bedroom closet.

"Hey son! It was me the whole time! Bet I scared you," his dad said.

Tommy's dad then opened the door and walked downstairs, never to be seen again.

"Well, I guess it happens," Tommy said.

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