Saturday, July 9, 2011

Shangri La Strategy

 Some of you have been asking, "What is a good strategy for Shangri La?".  This guide answers that question.

In the new Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies map, Shangri La (also spelled Shangri-La), there seems to be little hope in finding a good loop to run while mowing down the zombie hordes. However, here at Duckman Connections, we put in hours developing 2 routes for you to run.  Both strategies begin at the water slide, the best location for a quick getaway.

For both of these strategies, you should have 1 person with the baby gun, at least 1 person with the ray gun, and as many people as possible with monkeys.

4 Person Strategies
Both Strategies begin like this:  Begin at the water slide.  Have one person cover the window, one person cover the road with the waterfall over it, and the other two cover the Mud Pit Temple entrance.

Strategy #1
When you become overrun, go down the water slide, and take a left through the door.  Do not go to fast, but do not go too slow. Head toward the Power Room.  When you get to the Power Room, keep on going through the next door toward the waterfall.  Go up the tunnel and over the bridge.  Go through the Mud Pit Temple, back to the water slide.  AK-74u's are a good primary weapon for this strategy, as ammo is plentiful (You can buy more ammo near the bottom of the water slide).

Strategy #2
When you become overrun, go down the water slide, and wait for the first zombie to come down.  Go up the geyser.  Sprint toward the quick revive room (jump over the bamboo traps), and head into the Mud Pit Temple, to the water slide. Ak-74u's are a good primary weapon, as ammo is plentiful (You can buy more ammo near the bottom of the water slide).

2 Person Strategies
Both Strategies begin like this:  Begin at the water slide.  Have one person cover the window and the road with the waterfall over it and the other one cover the Mud Pit Temple entrance.

Strategy #1
When you become overrun, go down the water slide, and take a left through the door.  Do not go to fast, but do not go too slow. Head toward the Power Room.  When you get to the Power Room, keep on going through the next door toward the waterfall.  Go up the tunnel and over the bridge.  Go through the Mud Pit Temple, back to the water slide.  AK-74u's are a good primary weapon for this strategy, as ammo is plentiful (You can buy more ammo near the bottom of the water slide).

Strategy #2
When you become overrun, go down the water slide, and wait for the first zombie to come down.  Go up the geyser.  Sprint toward the quick revive room (jump over the bamboo traps), and head into the Mud Pit Temple, to the water slide. Ak-74u's are a good primary weapon, as ammo is plentiful (You can buy more ammo near the bottom of the water slide).


1 comment:

  1. Pretty close to my strategy, except when you go down the water slide go up the first geyser and hold up by the mine cart and when you begin to get overrun activate the cart and the zombies will usually be in one large line to kill by bow
