Monday, August 8, 2011

Duckman Injections (2)

After more R&D, 5 new injections have been added to the list of confirmed injections. More may come, but the researching team at Duckman Connections needs some sleep after working non-stop for 56 hours.

Growth Goo
This shot enlarges you so that you will be unstoppable.  Ever wanted to take down villages and or be the terror Europe? Simple, now with the help of Growth Goo.

Covert Crystals
 This injection makes you invisible.  Honestly, we can't find any normal use for this.
 Morph Material
This injection turns your body into an octopus.  The researchers sorta got bored while developing injections, and this is what they came up with.

Speed Secretion
You try your hardest in sports.  Maybe it's time to give yourself a break.  Want to win the Olympics? Not so tough anymore, now is it?

Replication Rum
Never be lonely again, with the help of Replication juice! Bored? make your own baseball team. Really bored? Make your own protest march through Cuba. Even throw your own surprise birthday!


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