Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Stick man

Humble Origins
Stick man came riding to Earth on a throne strapped to a gold meteorite infused with magic powers. When he smashed into the Earth, legends tell of a triple back flip so awesome, no one even survived to tell about it.

Through the Ages:

Hieroglyphics involving Stick man.

  Stick man was very active in his role on Earth.  Very early on, he gained     immense popularity with the Egyptians, even to the point that they made him their Pharaoh.  Stick man was the first ruler of the Egyptians, and he built a pretty mean sand castle too.

Stick man trained the Spartans in the way of war.  He taught them almost everything they knew, apart from eating (Greeks are known for their eating skills).  He told them his plan for world domination, and would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for his meddling Romans.  He knew he would have to do something drastic in order to keep his power.

In order to earn the Roman's trust, Stick man constructed a weather machine to attack the incoming army of Hannibal.  He used the weather machine to send snow to the Alps, something the mountains had not experienced in decades.  The weather killed about half of Hannibal's forces, delivering a striking blow to the chances of Hannibal winning. For this ingenious attack, the Roman's made Stick man their Caesar.


Stick man becomes Evil
Stick man began to grow and grow in power.  He also began abusing his authority.  He would cut in lines at amusement parks, not use a blinker while executing a lane change, or use his dragon to gnaw on peoples heads.   

The Plan
Sporus of Nicaea knew something must be done.  So in AD 295, he began developing a way to trap Stick man in a prison he wouldn't be able to escape from.  In AD 299, just before his death, Sporus of Nicaea developed something to cage Stick man: suck Stick man onto a piece of paper, and quickly draw him on another one.  If done correctly, Sporus theorized, Stick man would only be able to break loose of his confinement if all but one of the papers with Stick man drawn on it existed.

                                                                                    The Triumph
Sporus only trusted one man to execute his plan: our own, dearly loved Duckman.  Duckman Sprung into action, put on his garbage man costume, hopped on his trusty Pegasus, and arrived at Stick man's fortress.  Duckman knocked on the door.  When Stick man opened the door, Duckman yelled out, "Garbage Day!", and shoved the paper into Stick man's face.   The paper engulfed Stickman, and Duckman quickly scribbled out a figure of what stickman looked like on another piece of paper.  He brought them home to his castle and hung them both up, ready to guard them with his life.

Do your part
What you can do to help keep this menace from escaping is simple.  Whenever you are bored, just draw a stick figure on a piece of paper.  The more copies that exist of Stick man, the harder it will be for his minions to free him. Below is the correct way to draw him.  Make sure to include all the necessary body parts in order to make the picture look like the original Stick man.

"I only trust Duckman for this matter" - Sporus of Nicaea


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