This blog post may not make a whole lot of sense, but because I am lazy I decided to make a post using 1 sentence from every post we have done before therefore making a story. (Sorry, no Mega Movie Monday today)
Zak had the plan. One or more of these may or may not have included an image of Max and Trenten's dead bodies lying in wait for us on our return trip with a note to force our hand. Does this mean I am normal? Everyone knows that Nero didn't always have the most wonderful intentions in mind. He lets us wear earrings. However, there is a better approach. More likely, though, is the theory that people fear baldness. What he didn’t know is that he was absolutely correct. Cuts hurt people and so do nicknames. It is a good thing we are here. Bandit constitutes the end of the world. He had to go out into the world and prove himself worthy. Well now you can! But that is beside the point. Well, there you have it! There are many things which aren't doughy and people can't stuff their faces full of them. Many people took this message to heart, and starting protesting all over the world. Try it, maybe you will figure out you like it! I would love to hear what everone else's take on this issue is. This one is a bit harder. Because of its great ability to resemble humans in absolute darkness, you can't tell the difference. I hope you enjoy. You can thank me later. A child of five would understand this. It was the largest explosion set off by the United States. Well, not literally. But that didn't keep them from having their own hobbies. No, his talent was acting. However, this does not stop it from creating a body when the time comes for it to use it. It worked for me! Everyone will be a winner! It would take them hours just to get halfway. Ask the blind man, he saw it all. Nice pants. See if you can figure out what Max's is supposed to be. Can you decipher this code? Don't tell me that's obvious, because if you could have thought of it you would have. One of the most common things people think of is the pain test. Wow, that curve almost looks useful. Most people have not heard of this magical place. He told everyone else this, and they all agreed with him. It's hard to soar like an eagle when you're surrounded by turkeys. How's this for inspirational? That was easy. Pretend to be listening to someone, but ignore the entire conversation. It is good though. Is it a sandwich, a pretzel, or maybe even a small fry? Suddenly, bullets flew by our head. Everyone jumped in the car. Ever since then he has been driving his parents insane with his wonderful voice. I leave my joe job, wearing my tuque, and return home to sit on my chesterfield while drinking a double-double. I do very little else. I couldn't resist! This may seem like an exaggeration, but it's not. Right now I am typing.
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