Friday, September 2, 2011

Dostoevsky - The Syndicate

This is the story of a man living a life very unlike our own. Yet in many ways, his life parallels our own, through musings and dreams that permeate our everyday thoughts.  Join us tonight as we venture into the mind of a man we can truly understand but never fully comprehend.

Dostoevsky is - 'The Syndicate'

July 1
Dear Barnabas,
How are you doing? I have been training for my job for months.  I had never imagined I would get to be a UPS delivery man.  Boxes I have been stacking: many boxes.  Soon, in a month or so, I will be delivering packages like Kaz - my predecessor, somewhat of a legend in these parts. He left me with instructions I must follow closely in order to bring this company into a golden age, such as past oracles, including Baaperpa, Sibumn, and Morba, have spoken of.
With hope for the future,
M. Dostoevsky

August 9
My dearest Barnabas,
I have just arrived back from the Conference - learning many new techniques to further my abilities in the art of delivering packages. I now fully understand how to drive more effectively, deliver more efficiently and possibly become the greatest UPS delivery man in history. However, I have a strange sense of foreboding that everything I have learned is about to go to complete and utter waste.
Excitedly anxious,
M. Dostoevsky

August 11
Job training is not all I had hoped and dreamed.  After training today, I realized something very important: some people just don't know how to stack boxes.  I need to cling onto what I learned in Conference.  I am not willing to let all my potential come to dire ruin.
Holding fast,
M. Dostoevsky

August 24
Help me Barnabas,
You're my only hope.  Today was a disaster.  After all my training and preparation, I nearly failed my examination.  While I struggled during the test, my manager scoffed at me, eating a large chocolate chip cookie and laughing.  I barely snagged a passing grade, but no thanks to management. Sometimes I wonder how I, a boy with full potential and ready to learn, is stuck with my manager.
Wishing and waiting,
M. Dostoevsky

August 27
The manager seems to be enjoying his position of power all too much.  He has taken to treating us as his followers, ordering us around and taking away all joy and freedom.  Today he went so far as to make "cappuccino" for us all to drink, trying to lure the weak minded into following his cult-like scheme.  I held strong though, Barnabas, I held strong.  I would not give in and follow the crowd, but many of my colleagues fell into the trap.  I continue to perservere in my resistance, Barnabas.
Continuing ever on,
M. Dostoevsky

September 1
Today we had enough.  After the manager's wasting of company resources and money, he destroyed all fun in our work, and there are many new and inexperienced workers here who think this is just how life is.  Well, Barnabas, today we decided that we would make something great out of this company without relying any more on this management.  We introduce to you first: C.C.C. days.  (Cool  Crosses Casual days).  I plan to implement this strategy next year.
Mildy entertained,
M. Dostoevsky

September 2
My hopes are crushed.  I give up.
Dying inside,
M. Dostoevsky

Next time on The Syndicate:
Laura: But Dave!  How will you stop 600 weasels from destroying my garden?
Dave:  Laura, there are some things in life that don't come free.  This shotgun is one of them.
*Fades to Red*
Communist Russian voice:  Go my minions
Weasels: Squeak squeak squeakedy squeak (Caption on bottom: We shall, my liege)
*Fades to black*


1 comment:

  1. Hold fast, M Dostoevsky! The night is always darkest before the dawning of a new age.
